Thank you for treating my lyrics with the utmost gentleness and care... I am at a loss for words. Thank you once again!!
— Gabor (song: tücsök)

I began writing custom songs in 2019 as a way to REALLY connect with people; giving the power of music directly and concretely from myself to others.

Though I’ve had plenty of listeners on Spotify and iTunes, I don’t often get to meet those people, and I don’t usually get to hear what my songs mean to them. Custom songs are a beautiful antidote to the anonymity of releasing commercial music, and they have the power to MOVE people in ways other songs can’t.

I’ve written songs for proposals, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, valentines day, and for just because; taking the notes and stories my clients provide, and turning them into a song for a friend, partner, or family member.

If you’re interested in having a custom song written for you or a loved one, drop me a line or click the “Custom Song” link below for more details.

I absolutely LOVE it! My Dad was in tears listening to it. It’s so special and will be treasured forever.
— Katie (Song: THE BIG THREE)